Monday, 17 April 2017

Pro's and Cons of Working in a group :

Working within a group:

Initially I thought working within a group might have a lot of difficulties especially in the planning stage because I thought that we'd all have varied opinions and that it would be hard to make decisions. However, I was completely wrong, Working within a group actually sped up this process because we combined our ideas and discussed our thoughts until we came to something we all agreed on. As well as this, we were able to share out the work and rely on each other to get things done. This was particularly successful in the research stage because we could all look into different films and feed our ideas and findings back to one another.

I think the main issue that we faced whilst working in a group was trying to fit in shoots around our schedules so that we could all be present, The only solution that we created for this, was that we all came to an agreement that at times we'd have to shoot in pairs, which provided us with more time that we could shoot in. We also faced issues when it came to making cuts and removing certain shots because the group would be divided at times in terms of our opinions. However, This was resolved by there being two people present at all times when the sequence was being edited. This prevented one person from being in control of the editing and helped to create more ideas of how it could be edited.

Overall, I think working in a group was successful, any disagreements were always resolved and we were all flexible to create new ideas and change aspects that didn't work.

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