Thursday 19 January 2017

Continuity Sequence:

By Maddison Brownlow, Niamh McHugh, Kelly Loi and Maddison Hodge.

The continuity sequence starred Maddie Hodge and Kelly Loi. Maddie played the victim and Kelly played the perpetrator. The plot of the short sequence was based around these two girls colliding into one another in the corridor. The leading character, Maddie, took no notice of it at the time until she received an unknown message telling her to run. Resulting in her trying to gain access to any room that would provide her with safety.

Since it was our first time filming as a group, it was quite a struggle trying to work with the technology and to make do with our own resources when we didn't have access to studio equipment such as lighting.  The outcome of this was that the sequence was quite grainy due to the low-key lighting. However, we followed the 180 degree rule, used shot-reverse-shot and gained a better understanding of the equipment that we would be using in our Title sequence.

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